Top 10 Gods and Goddesses of Aztec Mythology

Hey YouTube, Jim here! Welcome to Top10Archive! The Aztecs may be a civilization long since gone, but the stories they left behind, their mythology, is forever ingrained in time. It may not be as widely retold as Greek or Roman mythology, but this Mesoamerican religion, which focused heavily on human sacrifice, was fascinating on its own, breeding these top ten deities of Aztec mythology.

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10. Tonaituh
9. Tlaloc
8. Xipe Totec
7. Huitzilopochtli
6. Huehueteotl
5. Mictlantecuhtli
4. Tlaltecuhtli
3. Ometeotl
2. Coatlicue
1. Quetzalcoatl

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#gods #mythology #goddesses

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